02 Jul Winter Park Engagement | Melanie and Stephen
I got the sweetest email the other day from my long-time, high-school swim-team, friend, Melanie, titled “Of Course I Want You To Be My Wedding Photographer” … it made my day and I immediately thought back to all the fun times Melanie and I had through our trips to swim-meets together, adventures in Cocoa Beach and all the other high-school shenanigans we got ourselves in! We hadn’t chatted for quite a few years, when we did and she said “I’ve known since high-school with 4×6 prints push-pinned covering every square inch of your bedroom walls, you would photograph my wedding one day” I almost cried! So, it’s with great excitement that I show you these engagement photos of my good friend and her perfectly suited match, Stephen. I cannot wait for their wedding day and look forward to getting to know Stephen throughout this year — he’s found one of the kindest people on the planet to call his wife, I know they are going to have an amazing life together.
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