26 May Dominican Republic Wedding | Michelle and Richard
As Shea, Mike and I sat down to enjoy the Dominican Republic beach, we noticed this super sweet wedding taking place…it was just the bride and groom, the officiant and the couple’s two friends. No photographer, no guests, just the two of them…I couldn’t help it. Ran to my room and grabbed my camera. As I went to get my camera, Shea walked up to them after their ceremony and said “hi, I know you are going to think this is crazy, but we are professional photographers and my friend just went to get her camera! We are going to take your pictures.” And, we met Michelle and Richard, and they were so. much. fun! Here’s a quick shot of our 30 minute photo-session 🙂 Congratulations you two. It was great to meet you! Cheers to our new friends from Dallas!
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